
    E263: Harvard Professor: "10,000 Steps A Day" Is A LIE! Revealing The 7 BIG LIES About Exercise, Sleep, Running, Cancer & Sugar!!! Daniel Lieberman

    Prioritize physical activity to strengthen foot muscles and prevent conditions like plantar fasciitis, while recognizing the role of teamwork and engagement in building social connections and fostering a sense of community.

    enJuly 10, 2023

    About this Episode

    Dr Lieberman is the Chair of the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University. His research focuses on how the human body has evolved to be the way it is, he also explores how humans evolved to run long distances to scavenge and hunt. He is the author of the best-selling books, ‘The Story of the Human Body: Evolution, Health, and Disease’ and ‘Exercised: Why Something We Never Evolved to Do Is Healthy and Rewarding’. In this conversation Dr Lieberman and Steven discuss topics, such as: Sitting isn’t actually the new smoking The unseen health benefits of running The best exercises for a healthy life Why you don’t need 8 hours of sleep a night Separating the health myths from reality How the world has become too comfortable How 74% of diseases can be prevented Ways to hack and boost productivity You can purchase Dr Lieberman’s newest book, ‘Exercised: The Science of Physical Activity, Rest and Health’, here: https://amzn.to/49udz2v Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' per order link: https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me:  Instagram: http://bit.ly/3nIkGAZ Twitter: http://bit.ly/3ztHuHm Linkedin: https://bit.ly/41Fl95Q Telegram: http://bit.ly/3nJYxST Sponsors:  Huel: https://g2ul0.app.link/G4RjcdKNKsb Airbnb: http://bit.ly/40TcyNr Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    🔑 Key Takeaways

    • Instead of solely relying on traditional exercise routines, incorporating natural forms of physical activity into daily life may be more beneficial for overall health.
    • Common exercise myths include the need for eight hours of sleep, sitting being as harmful as smoking, and the necessity of 10,000 steps a day.
    • Incorporating regular strength training into your exercise routine can help combat muscle loss, maintain overall health, and promote an active lifestyle as you age.
    • Engaging in regular physical activity is crucial for maintaining both physical and mental well-being, preventing age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia, and increasing life expectancy.
    • Our lifestyle choices and environment greatly influence our overall health, and exercise can significantly reduce the risk of various diseases. Instead of blaming individuals, we should show more compassion and understanding.
    • By prioritizing education, access to quality food, and individual actions, we can prevent the occurrence of preventable diseases and improve our healthcare system.
    • Cancer is influenced by factors like energy competition, insulin levels, hormones, and lifestyle choices. Preventing cancer should be a priority through education, physical activity, and healthy living.
    • Avoid pro-inflammatory foods and prioritize exercise to regulate inflammation levels and improve overall health. Redesigning our world to prioritize healthier lifestyles could significantly benefit society's happiness and well-being.
    • Balanced approach is needed in promoting healthier options, with measures such as taxation, advertising, affordability, accessibility, education, and creating a culture that values physical activity.
    • Introducing mandatory exercise in workplaces can improve employee well-being and retention, promoting healthy habits from a young age can increase lifelong physical activity, and fostering a sense of community among employees is crucial for staff retention and satisfaction.
    • Prioritize physical activity to strengthen foot muscles and prevent conditions like plantar fasciitis, while recognizing the role of teamwork and engagement in building social connections and fostering a sense of community.
    • Building foot strength through exercises and wearing minimal shoes can provide long-term relief from plantar fasciitis, while prioritizing comfort alone may lead to future pain and discomfort.
    • Having more muscle than necessary can be costly for our hunter-gatherer ancestors, as it requires a significant amount of calories to maintain and may not provide significant evolutionary benefits.
    • Running, when done with proper form, does not increase the risk of knee cartilage damage or arthritis. Transitioning to a barefoot running style can reduce the force on the knees, but caution should be taken to avoid other potential injuries.
    • Finding the right exercise routine involves avoiding overriding in running, combining low and high intensity workouts with strength training, and focusing on individual needs and goals. Aim for 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week.
    • While physical activity alone may not lead to substantial weight loss, higher doses of exercise and combining it with a healthy diet can be effective for successful weight management.
    • Recognizing the influence of privilege and financial resources on access to exercise and healthy foods is crucial. Instead of blaming or shaming, offering support and encouragement can lead to positive changes. Small steps towards physical activity can have significant benefits, and patience is necessary for both the body and individuals to experience the rewards of exercise.
    • Supporting individuals struggling with exercise and implementing accountability measures, such as workout buddies and commitment contracts, can make exercise more rewarding and help individuals become more disciplined.
    • Find ways to hold yourself accountable and avoid comparing yourself to others to maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle.

    📝 Podcast Summary

    Rethinking Exercise: A New Perspective on Physical Activity

    Exercise is not a natural or innate human behavior but rather a consequence of the privilege and comfort of modern life. Daniel Lieberman's research on evolutionary medicine has shown that our ancestors, who relied on physical activity for survival, did not engage in exercise as we do today. The concept of "training" does not even exist in some cultures because the idea of running or exercising for no reason seems illogical to them. This challenges the prevailing belief that exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Instead, Lieberman suggests that adopting active lifestyles and incorporating physical activity into our daily routines, such as through active jobs or commuting by walking or biking, may be more beneficial for overall health. Thus, the key takeaway is to reconsider our approach to exercise and focus on incorporating more natural forms of physical activity into our lives.

    Debunking Exercise Myths

    There are several exercise myths that need to be debunked. One of the biggest myths is the belief that we need eight hours of sleep a night. It turns out that natural human beings actually sleep around 6 to 7 hours a night and do just fine. Another myth is that sitting is the new smoking and all sitting is bad for our health. However, it's not the act of sitting itself that is harmful, but rather the prolonged periods of sitting without any movement. Taking breaks from sitting and moving around every once in a while is actually more beneficial for our health. Additionally, the idea of needing to do 10,000 steps a day is not based on any scientific evidence, but was arbitrarily chosen for a Japanese pedometer.

    The Importance of Strength Training for Aging Adults

    Incorporating strength training into your exercise routine is important, especially as you age. Research has shown that resistance training helps combat the loss of muscle mass, known as sarcopenia, which can lead to frailty and decreased functional capacity. By regularly lifting weights, you can slow down the process of senescence and maintain the health of your organs and systems. It's a common myth that as you get older, it's normal to be less active, but in reality, humans evolved to live long after their reproductive years and remain physically active. Grandparents in traditional societies, for example, continue to work in fields, hunt, gather, and contribute to their families' well-being. So, it's important to prioritize strength training as part of your exercise routine to combat the effects of aging and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.

    The Importance of Physical Activity in Countering the Aging Process and Promoting Overall Health and Longevity

    Physical activity has numerous physiological benefits that counter the aging process. Engaging in physical activity activates repair and maintenance processes that keep our muscles strong, prevent DNA mutations, maintain high numbers of mitochondria, and prevent the accumulation of gunk in our brain cells, which can prevent Alzheimer's and dementia. Physical activity not only benefits our physical health but also plays a vital role in our mental well-being. Loss of activity, such as through retirement, can have significant negative effects on our overall health and make us more vulnerable to diseases. Therefore, it is important to prioritize physical activity throughout our lives to maintain optimal health and longevity. Studies have shown that as we age, exercise becomes increasingly important for maintaining good health and reducing mortality rates.

    The Impact of Genes and Environment on Our Health

    Our genes may load the gun, but it's our environment that pulls the trigger when it comes to our health. While we may have genetic predispositions to certain diseases, our ancestors in different environments didn't experience them as frequently. This suggests that our lifestyle choices and environment play a significant role in our overall health. Exercise, for example, can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's dementia. However, it's not always easy to make the choice to be physically active, especially in a world where convenience and comfort are prioritized. Instead of blaming individuals who struggle to exercise, it's important to have more compassion and understanding.

    The importance of prioritizing long-term health over short-term comfort.

    Our society values short-term comfort over long-term health, leading to preventable diseases that overwhelm our healthcare system. We have come to accept diseases like cancer and Alzheimer's as inevitable parts of aging, when in reality, many of these diseases are preventable. In hunter-gatherer communities and certain tribes around the world, where physical activity and a nutritious diet are the norm, the occurrence of these diseases is much lower. Our healthcare system focuses more on medication and treatment rather than prevention, despite the fact that 75% of diseases are preventable. However, there is hope for improvement through education, access to quality food, and individual actions to prioritize health.

    The Link Between Cancer and Wealth: Understanding the Role of Energy and Risk Factors

    There is a strong association between cancer and wealth, with cancer rates being much more common in the Western world. It is important to understand that cancer is a disease of energy, and when cells compete for energy, cancer can arise. Factors such as high insulin levels, high levels of body energy, and certain hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone can increase the risk of cancer. On the other hand, being physically active, having lower levels of insulin and blood sugar, and engaging in cancer prevention methods can significantly decrease the risk of developing cancer. Therefore, it is crucial to focus not only on treating cancer but also on preventing it through education, physical activity, and lifestyle choices.

    The Impact of Modern Lifestyle on Inflammation and Health

    Our modern lifestyle, with its abundance of sugary and processed foods and lack of physical activity, is a major contributor to inflammation and poor health. Daniel Lieberman highlights the importance of avoiding pro-inflammatory foods like those high in sugar and trans fats. He also emphasizes the benefits of turning down our immune system through exercise, which produces anti-inflammatory substances that regulate inflammation levels in the body. While the discussion touches on the paleo diet and physical activity levels of hunter-gatherers, Lieberman clarifies that any amount of physical activity is better than none. Redesigning our modern world to prioritize healthier lifestyles, including better access to nutritious foods and opportunities for physical activity, could significantly improve society's happiness and overall health.

    Promoting healthier lifestyles while respecting personal choices is key.

    There is a need to strike a balance between respecting people's choices and nudging them towards healthier lifestyles. While it may not be effective or fair to completely ban certain foods or behaviors, it is important to promote and incentivize healthier options. This can be done through measures such as taxing sugary foods, advertising healthy foods more prominently, and making them as affordable and accessible as unhealthy foods. Additionally, it is crucial to incorporate preventive measures in healthcare, including education on nutrition and exercise for doctors. Creating a culture that values physical activity, such as sponsoring dancing events in every town, can have significant benefits for both physical and mental health.

    The Positive Impact of Implementing Exercise Requirements in Companies

    Implementing exercise requirements in a company can have positive effects on employee well-being and retention. The conversation highlights the case of a CEO who introduced mandatory exercise in their company and observed that although some employees quit, most recognized it as a valuable initiative. The discussion also mentions how schools and universities used to enforce physical education but have gradually moved away from it. Bringing back exercise requirements in educational institutions and workplaces can instill healthy habits from a young age and increase the likelihood of continued physical activity throughout life. Additionally, the conversation emphasizes the importance of fostering a sense of community and connection among employees, both within and outside of the office, as this can contribute to staff retention and overall satisfaction.

    The Power of Physical Activity in Building Social Connections and Well-being

    There is a decreasing sense of social connection in today's world, and work can play a significant role in bringing people together. Daniel Lieberman emphasizes the importance of team members of companies spending more time together and engaging in physical activities, as it not only improves their well-being but also fosters cooperation and builds community. He shares his learnings from the Native American tribe, the Tara Huma Tamara, who view physical activity as a spiritual practice and use long-distance races as a form of prayer. Lieberman also discusses the impact of modern environments on our bodies, such as wearing stiff-soled shoes, which weakens our foot muscles and can lead to conditions like plantar fasciitis. The key takeaway is that we need to prioritize strengthening our feet to prevent such match disease and consider the role of physical activity in building social connections.

    Strengthening the Feet for Long-Term Relief from Plantar Fasciitis

    Treating the symptoms of a mismatch disease, such as plantar fasciitis, is only a temporary solution. In order to achieve long-term relief and prevent the condition from recurring, it is important to strengthen the feet. While wearing insoles can provide comfort and alleviate pain, they do not address the root cause. Strengthening exercises and wearing minimal shoes that allow the foot muscles to work naturally are effective ways to build foot strength. However, it is crucial to make these changes gradually and carefully to avoid any setbacks or injuries. Choosing comfort may seem appealing in the short term, but it often leads to deferred problems in the future. Prioritizing discomfort and making conscious choices to strengthen the feet can prevent future pain and discomfort.

    The Evolutionary Cost of Excessive Muscle Mass

    In terms of our hunter-gatherer ancestors, having more muscle than needed can be costly and even deleterious. Muscle is an expensive tissue, requiring a significant amount of calories to maintain. Natural selection prioritizes the survival and reproduction of individuals, not their strength or attractiveness. While muscles may attract the opposite sex to a certain extent, having excessive muscle mass is not beneficial from an evolutionary perspective. Our ancestors had enough muscle to fulfill their needs, but they were not exceptionally strong or buff. Being in good shape signaled reproductive value and the ability to provide resources, rather than being excessively muscular. Additionally, having excessive muscle mass would require more food, which was not always readily available to hunter-gatherer populations.

    Running and Knee Health: Debunking the Myth

    Running is not necessarily bad for your knees. While knee injuries are common in runners, it is a misconception that running increases rates of knee cartilage damage and arthritis. In fact, physical activity can actually help promote strong and healthy joints, including the cartilage. The way we run, however, can impact the force on our knees. Many people run incorrectly with a heel-strike landing, which can cause more impact and stress on the knees. Adopting a barefoot style of running, with a mid-foot or forefoot strike, can reduce the force on the knees. However, it is important to gradually transition and build strength to prevent other injuries like Achilles tendonitis or calf muscle problems.

    Personalized Exercise: Mix it Up and Enjoy

    Finding the right exercise routine is about mixing it up and doing what you enjoy. Daniel Lieberman emphasizes the importance of avoiding overriding, or throwing your leg out too far in front of you when running, to prevent knee injuries and ensure proper form. When it comes to cardiovascular exercise, there is no one perfect exercise, but a combination of low and high intensity workouts along with strength training is ideal. The focus should be on finding what works best for you and your specific health goals. Exercise cannot be prescribed in a one-size-fits-all manner, as everyone's needs and abilities vary. The confusion surrounding exercise and weight loss is due to different studies analyzing different populations and doses of physical activity. It is recommended to aim for 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week for optimal health benefits.

    The Role of Physical Activity in Weight Management

    Physical activity is important for weight management, but it may not result in significant weight loss on its own. Walking for 20 minutes a day, for example, only burns about 50 calories, which is not enough to make a significant difference. Higher doses of physical activity, such as 300 minutes a week or more, have been found to be more effective for weight loss, although the results may still not be fast or in large quantities. However, physical activity is crucial for preventing weight gain or regaining weight after a diet. Combining exercise with a healthy diet is the best approach for successful weight management.

    The importance of compassion and understanding in discussions about exercise and healthy habits.

    Compassion and understanding are essential when discussing exercise and healthy habits. It is important to recognize that people's access to exercise and healthy foods often depends on privilege and financial resources. Diet and exercise are interconnected, making it difficult to separate their effects. However, in controlled studies, they have been shown to have independent and interactive effects on health. Instead of shaming or blaming others for their choices, it is crucial to offer support and encouragement. Any form of physical activity, even small steps like taking the stairs, can lead to benefits. It takes time for the body to adjust and for individuals to experience the rewards of exercise. Being overweight can also make exercise more challenging, requiring additional effort and patience.

    The Power of Social Support and Accountability in Exercise

    Individuals who struggle with exercise and consistency may benefit from social support and accountability. Daniel Lieberman emphasizes the importance of helping and understanding those individuals, rather than judging them. He shares his personal journey of struggling with exercise for many years until he found a change that worked for him in 2020. Lieberman believes that the social aspect of exercise, such as running with friends or having a workout buddy, can make it more rewarding and motivating. Additionally, he highlights the significance of accountability, mentioning a commitment contract where a friend acts as a referee and monetary penalties are imposed for not meeting exercise goals. By incorporating these social and accountable elements, individuals can overcome negative opinions and become more disciplined with exercise.

    The Importance of Accountability and Avoiding Comparisons for a Healthier and Happier Lifestyle

    Finding ways to hold oneself accountable can be crucial for maintaining physical activity. Daniel Lieberman suggests that people can make themselves accountable to friends, loved ones, or even hire a trainer to ensure regular exercise. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of finding inspiration and reminders that reinforce one's "why" for staying active. However, Lieberman acknowledges that comparing oneself to others can be a detrimental habit that steals happiness and hinders personal growth. Overcoming this habit involves recognizing that each individual is unique and that comparing oneself to others only leads to unhealthy feelings of pride or jealousy. Ultimately, this conversation highlights the need for individuals to find their own ways of staying accountable and avoiding negative comparisons for a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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    Russ Cook (Hardest Geezer): I Haven't Told The Whole Truth About Africa!, They Took Me Into The Jungle To Kill Me!

    Russ Cook (Hardest Geezer): I Haven't Told The Whole Truth About Africa!, They Took Me Into The Jungle To Kill Me!
    What does it take to become the Hardest Geezer and run 9,940-miles in 352 days? Russ Cook, also known as the ‘Hardest Geezer’, is an ultra-endurance athlete and the first person to run the entire length of Africa, raising over £1 million for charity. He is also the first person to run from Asia to London. In this conversation Russ and Steven discuss topics such as, his childhood and difficult teenage years, hitting rock bottom, wanting more from life, being robbed at gun point, and the struggles of being the first man to run across the length Africa. 00:00 Intro 02:00 Russ' Childhood & Being Rebellious 05:50 Relationship With My Parents 12:00 Trying To Get People’s Attention 16:42 Distancing Himself from Family 16:22 The Impact of Russ' Girlfriend 19:11 Moving Out as a Teenager 21:02 Going Down the Wrong Path 25:10 Russ' Mental Health 26:18 What Would Russ Say to His Younger Self 30:52 Russ' Epiphany 32:09 The Feeling of Progressing in Life 35:07 Travelling the World Running 35:53 First Challenges 36:51 Doing Things That Aren’t Considered Normal 39:03 Returning from the First Trip 42:26 Relationship with His Dad 44:09 Burying Himself Alive 44:33 Russ DM’d Steven Before Going To Africa 46:40 Why Africa? 48:40 Meeting His Girlfriend Before Leaving to Africa 52:41 How Have You Changed 54:52 Preparations to Run the Entire Length of Africa 01:03:25 Getting Robbed 01:03:26 Being Kidnapped 01:10:05 Facing Death 01:24:14 Team Struggles 01:31:52 Was Quitting an Option? 01:36:18 Visa Issues 01:37:59 Nearing the End 01:45:12 Crossing the Line 01:45:44 What’s Next? 01:50:41 What Was the Goal? 01:55:36 Russ Inspiring Others 01:59:20 The Last Guest Question  You can donate to Russ’s charity fundraiser here: https://bit.ly/3Wr2WJR Follow Russ: Instagram - https://bit.ly/4djAL5I Twitter - https://bit.ly/3UFqZmV YouTube - https://bit.ly/3Up8YYH Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo Sponsors: PerfectTed: bit.ly/PerfectTed-DOAC with an exclusive code DIARY10 for 10% off PerfectTed x Hardest Geezer - Strawberry Daiquiri Flavour: bit.ly/PerfectTed-HardestGeezer-Daiquiri-DOAC (all profits to charity) Uber: https://p.uber.com/creditsterms Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ozempic Expert: Ozempic Increases This Disease By A Factor Of 9! They're Lying To You About Ozempic Side Effects & What It's Doing To Our Brains! - Johann Hari

    Ozempic Expert: Ozempic Increases This Disease By A Factor Of 9! They're Lying To You About Ozempic Side Effects & What It's Doing To Our Brains! - Johann Hari
    It is being called a miracle drug, but what is the dark side to the weight loss medication Ozempic? Johann Hari is a New York Times best-selling author, his books include, ‘Chasing the Scream’, ‘Lost Connections’, and ‘Stolen Focus’. He has written for the world’s leading newspapers and magazines, and has twice been named ‘National Newspaper Journalist of the Year’ by Amnesty International. In this conversation Johann and Steven discuss topics such as, the link between weight gain and sexual abuse, what Ozempic does to the brain, how Japan will help solve the obesity crisis, and the 12 biggest risks of taking Ozempic. 00:00 Intro 01:46 How Did You Find Out About Ozempic 06:37 What Is Ozempic & How Much Is It? 09:51 How Does Ozempic Work 16:03 The Impact of Ozempic on the Brain 26:17 The Cheesecake Park Experiment 31:16 Obesity Is a Choice 44:53 Addiction Transfer 52:25 Obesogenic Environment 01:04:55 Where Can You Buy Ozempic 01:07:43 The Origins of Ozempic 01:10:15 Why You Shouldn't Take It 01:13:56 Is The Ozempic Face Real? 01:18:08 The Risk of Muscle Loss 01:20:36 Suicide Risk and Fatalities 01:29:49 How Do We Undo Stress 01:30:01 Diabetes Is More Deadly Than Weight Loss Drugs 01:32:24 Downsides 01:39:21 Will Everyone Be on Ozempic? 01:42:47 Should the Government Intervene? 01:50:46 Weight Gain After Ozempic 01:53:59 Children and Ozempic 01:57:21 Celebrities Taking Ozempic and Hiding the Truth 02:05:37 Ozempic Is An Addiction Killer! 02:12:34 Oprah Taking About Her Losing Weight Journey 02:15:03 Will People Exercise Less If They Can Just Take Ozempic 02:18:58 High Demand Of Ozempic & Issues Caused 02:23:10 The Last Guest Question You can purchase Johann’s newest book, ‘Magic Pill: The Extraordinary Benefits and Disturbing Risks of the New Weight Loss Drugs’, available on 2nd May 2024, here: https://amzn.to/4di51Ou Follow Johann: Instagram - https://bit.ly/4bfqkyj Twitter - https://bit.ly/44ixqjd YouTube - https://bit.ly/3Uzccdr Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo Sponsors: WHOOP: https://join.whoop.com/en-uk/CEO Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Moment 159: The Most Important Sex Advice You NEED To Hear: Esther Perel

    Moment 159: The Most Important Sex Advice You NEED To Hear: Esther Perel
    In this moment, world-renowned relationship therapist, Esther Perel discusses sexless relationships. In her work, Esther says that many of her patients focus so heavily on the amount of sex they are having, and begin to panic when this starts to change. Instead, she says that they should focus on the quality of the experience, and the connection they have with their partner. Esther believes that many of the issues and concerns around the amount of sex a couple is having can be reduced by having better communication around sex. These conversations include a partner’s fantasy life, what they enjoy, what excites them, and what do they look for in sex. Most couples have never had these conversations before and don’t realise that sexuality is a vast topic that changes with their lives. Listen to the full episode here - Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/5YgGK3Hw3Ib Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/jNfxRBKw3Ib Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Esther Perel: https://www.estherperel.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Mo Gawdat: 80% Of Illness Is Linked To One Thing! An Alarming Warning For The Burnout Generation! If You Feel Like This, Quit Your Job Today!

    Mo Gawdat: 80% Of Illness Is Linked To One Thing! An Alarming Warning For The Burnout Generation! If You Feel Like This, Quit Your Job Today!
    Life is getting faster and more hectic than ever before, but is there way to become unstressable? Mo Gawdat is the former Chief Business Officer for Google X, the founder of ‘One Billion Happy’ foundation, and co-founder of ‘Unstressable’. He is the bestselling author of books such as, ‘Solve for Happy’, ‘Scary Smart’, and ‘That Little Voice in Your Head’. In this conversation Mo and Steven discuss topics such as, why this is the most stressful time for any generation, how most people won’t recognise the world in 5 years time, and how stress is the new pandemic. 00:00 Intro 02:01 Mo How Are You Doing? 07:08 Mo's New Book & The State Of The World 12:31 The Speed Of The World 17:14 Stress Is The New Addiction 26:41 Will I Lose Productivity Without Stress? 31:06 What is TONN? The Origin Of Stress 36:07 Upsetting People With Change & Choosing To Put Ourselves First 43:31 What Is Loss Aversion? 50:43 The Noise Of Stress 01:01:38 How Do We Spot Our Own Stress? 01:04:49 Are We Really Too Busy? 01:08:23 What Is Steve's BS? 01:12:18 Setting Limits & Prioritising The Important Stuff 01:18:20 How Our Childhood Impact In Our Bias To Workaholism 01:22:22 Loss And How Long We Have Left 01:29:02 Passport Control Detention 01:29:49 How Do We Undo Stress 01:44:02 Work / Life Balance 01:44:52 The Impact Of AI 02:02:04 Being Successful And Balanced 02:16:20 Love & Relationship Advice 02:26:17 Why Some People Don't Find A Partner 02:34:22 Becoming Unstressable 02:40:15 Mo's Family Heartache 02:44:53 What Would You Tell The First People You Loved You can purchase Mo’s newest book, ‘Unstressable: A Practical Guide to Stress-Free Living’, available on 9th May 2024, here: https://amzn.to/3w6xG8h Follow Mo: Instagram - https://bit.ly/3w5VGIC Twitter - https://bit.ly/3JwggoE YouTube - https://bit.ly/3QlCUnt Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo Sponsors: Linkedin Ads: https://www.linkedin.com/doac24 Shopify: http://shopify.com/bartlett Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices