

    Explore "Fitness" with insightful episodes like "Hyrox EM Wien - Von Pasta, Passion und Podium", "Episode 311: Q+A - What Made Weight Loss “Click” for Us?", "Episode 309: 4 Reasons You Struggle to Maintain Your Weight Loss Results", "Eisbaden - zwischen Regeneration und gefährlichem Wettkampf" and "Episode 307: How Yvette Unlearned Perfectionism, Embraced Simplicity, and Lost 30lbs" from podcasts like ""Aus dem ff - von Fitness und Fortschritt mit Jan & Tim", "Balance365 Life Radio", "Balance365 Life Radio", "Aus dem ff - von Fitness und Fortschritt mit Jan & Tim" and "Balance365 Life Radio"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Hyrox EM Wien - Von Pasta, Passion und Podium

    Hyrox EM Wien - Von Pasta, Passion und Podium
    Die Hyrox EM in Wien hat einiges gebracht. Spannende Erkenntnisse, schwere Beine, einen völlig zerstörten Jan - aber vor allem den dritten Platz des Mixed Double unserer Protagonisten. Wir nehmen euch mit durch den Wettkampf - von Station zu Station und über die Laufstrecke. Aber auch zur Wettkampf-Vorbereitung und zu den kleinen und großen Fehlern, die man machen kann. Lehnt euch zurück, genießt diesen Podcast und taucht ein in die Hy-Society der Hyrox-Welt. Jan und Simone zeigen die schonungsloste - aber auch beste Sportart der Welt.

    Episode 311: Q+A - What Made Weight Loss “Click” for Us?

    Episode 311: Q+A - What Made Weight Loss “Click” for Us?

    Episode Overview

    In this clip from a live Q+A, we answer a question from a woman in our audience who asked, “what made weight loss ‘click’ for each of you?” This is a topic we could talk about for hours, but in this short episode, we list the most influential shifts that impacted each of our weight loss journeys. Will we share something that will “click” for you, too? Listen to find out!

    If you want us to answer your burning questions, join our free Facebook group, Weight Loss Without Restriction.

    Key Points

    • Annie shares how she had to learn how to behave in a way that was trustworthy
    • Jen shares how she stopped seeing exercise and nutrition as weight-loss tools
    • How Jen and Annies’ stories are two ends of a spectrum when it comes to self-care


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    Download a copy of this episode's transcript here.

    Episode 309: 4 Reasons You Struggle to Maintain Your Weight Loss Results

    Episode 309: 4 Reasons You Struggle to Maintain Your Weight Loss Results

    Episode Overview

    In today’s episode, we share four common reasons we see women struggle to maintain their weight loss results. From abrupt stops to slow fades in lifestyle changes, we'll uncover why so many people experience weight rebounds. Join us to learn about the challenges of maintaining results. It's not just about weight loss but building a sustainable, flexible approach. Let's dive in!

    But, before you hit play–for more support, accountability, and camaraderie on your journey, make sure you join the waitlist to enroll in Balance365 Coaching. You’ll be the first to be notified when we open our doors again. Join the waitlist today!

    Key Points

    • Physiological vs. psychological rebound
    • Why weight loss is a forever journey
    • How stress and emotional eating can change your weight trajectory
    • What successful people who maintain their weight are doing


    Related Content


    Download a copy of this episode's transcript here.

    Eisbaden - zwischen Regeneration und gefährlichem Wettkampf

    Eisbaden - zwischen Regeneration und gefährlichem Wettkampf
    Dos: - Gesundheitscheck: Stelle sicher, dass du körperlich gesund bist. Personen mit Herz-Kreislauf-Problemen oder hohem Blutdruck sollten vorher einen Arzt konsultieren. - Langsame Gewöhnung: Gewöhne deinen Körper schrittweise an die Kälte. Beginne mit kürzeren Sitzungen und verlängere diese allmählich. - Aufwärmen: Wärme dich vor dem Eisbaden auf, um deine Muskeln und deinen Kreislauf in Schwung zu bringen. - Begleitung: Gehe niemals alleine Eisbaden. Sorge für eine Begleitperson, die im Notfall helfen kann. - Schützende Kleidung: Trage Badeschuhe, um deine Füße zu schützen, und erwäge die Verwendung von Handschuhen und einer Mütze. - Kurze Dauer: Bleibe nicht zu lange im Wasser. Ein paar Minuten sind oft ausreichend. - Langsames Eintauchen: Vermeide, schnell ins Wasser zu springen. Lass deinen Körper sich allmählich an die Temperatur anpassen. - Nach dem Bad: Wärme dich langsam auf. Nutze warme Kleidung, Decken und warme Getränke. Don'ts: - Nicht bei gesundheitlichen Problemen: Vermeide Eisbaden, wenn du krank bist oder dich nicht wohl fühlst. - Kein Alkohol: Trinke keinen Alkohol vor oder während des Eisbadens, da dies die Körpertemperatur und Wahrnehmung beeinträchtigt. - Nicht übertreiben: Überschätze deine Fähigkeiten nicht und bleibe nicht zu lange im kalten Wasser. - Nicht bei Unwohlsein fortfahren: Beende das Bad sofort, wenn du dich unwohl oder schwindelig fühlst. - Kein heißes Wasser danach: Vermeide extrem heiße Duschen oder Bäder direkt nach dem Eisbaden, da dies zu Kreislaufproblemen führen kann. - Kein forcierter Atem: Vermeide es, hektisch zu atmen oder zu hyperventilieren. Atme ruhig und kontrolliert. - Nicht ohne Vorbereitung: Springe nicht unvorbereitet ins Wasser, besonders nicht ohne vorherige Gewöhnung an Kälte. - Nicht ohne Sicherheitsmaßnahmen: Ignoriere keine Sicherheitsvorkehrungen wie das Tragen von Rettungswesten in tieferen Gewässern.

    Episode 307: How Yvette Unlearned Perfectionism, Embraced Simplicity, and Lost 30lbs

    Episode 307: How Yvette Unlearned Perfectionism, Embraced Simplicity, and Lost 30lbs

    Episode Overview

    “I thought that people were born knowing how to do it, and I was broken.”

    Meet Yvette, who, like many of our members, has faced lifelong struggles with weight and dieting. She could never understand people who could stop eating when they were full. But then… She found us!

    As you’ll soon hear, so much has changed for Yvette since joining Balance365. She’s developed the skills she needs to tune into her own needs, which helped her achieve some remarkable results. She’s lowered her blood pressure, created a sustainable exercise routine, increased her confidence, and lost 30lbs. Notably, she accomplished all of this with what she calls "C-level work.” Listen now to learn how this all-or-something mindset has shifted everything for Yvette (and it can for you, too!)

    PS–If you want results like Yvette's, get on our waitlist! The doors open to coaching in just a FEW DAYS! You’ll get priority access on January 22nd and save $$. That’s a win-win!

    Key Points

    • Yvette’s history with diets since childhood
    • Why Balance365 has been different for her than any other program
    • What is C-level work, and why it worked for Yvette
    • Yvette shares her impressive health and wellness results

    Related Content


    Download a copy of this episode's transcript here.

    Do you want More?

    Do you want More?
    Die Fitnessbranche brodelt! Die Berichterstattung über den Hersteller von Nahrungsergänzungmitteln und Zuckeraustauschstoffen, More Nutrition, bewegt die Szene! Jan und Tim haben sich in dieser Folge mit den Vorwürfen auseinandergesetzt, die Jan Böhmermann in der Sendung ZDF Neo Magazin Royale gegen More Nutrition erhoben hat. Viel Sppaß mit dieser aus dem ff-Podcast Folge

    Episode 296: Member Spotlight - Allison’s Accountability Epiphanies + 30lb Weight Loss with Balance365

    Episode 296: Member Spotlight - Allison’s Accountability Epiphanies + 30lb Weight Loss with Balance365

    Episode Overview

    Meet Allison, a 51-year-old woman who, like many of our listeners, struggled with diets for most of her adult life. However, when she joined Balance365, everything changed. She realized she could achieve weight loss without restrictive diets but it would require her to take radical responsibility for her thoughts, feelings, and actions.

    Now Allison embodies a sense of control, confidence, and inner peace, and she’s lost 30lbs, too! Listen now to learn about her inspiring journey to reshape her relationship with food, health, and weight loss.

    In this episode, you might discover some striking similarities to your own experience. And just like Allison, you too could find the transformation you’re looking for inside Balance365. Want to find out? We open our doors in the New Year. Click here to join our waitlist so you don’t miss out on this life-changing opportunity!

    Key Points

    • Allison shares her history of restrictive dieting
    • Why Allison chose to join Balance365
    • Allison shares some epiphanies from inside Balance365 that helped her start making healthier decisions, including reducing her alcohol consumption

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    Download a copy of this episode's transcript here.

    Episode 294: Coaching Sessions - Exploring Jen’s Resistance to Exercise

    Episode 294: Coaching Sessions - Exploring Jen’s Resistance to Exercise

    Episode Overview

    We’re sharing an incredibly emotional and powerful episode today. Like many of our members, Jen has struggled with knowing what she needs to do, and still not doing it. For the last six months she’s been in a start-and-stop cycle with her strength training habit. In this episode, Annie coaches Jen on her resistance, precisely like we do inside Balance365 Coaching.

    Join Annie and Jen as they examine the underlying causes of Jen’s resistance to exercise, shed light on why it always seems to creep back in, and create a strategic, realistic plan to support Jen in achieving her fitness goals.

    If you’re tired of feeling stuck in similar cycles, you need to experience the power of Balance365 Coaching. Join the waitlist here so you don’t miss out the next time our doors open. Adding your name unlocks access to our program 24 hours before the general public, AND we’ll waive the registration fee. We’ll see you on the other side!

    Key Points

    • Jens’ challenging history with strength training
    • Breaking down why Jen feels resistant to exercise
    • Annie helps Jen come up with a plan to keep moving toward her goals

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    Download a copy of this episode’s transcript here.

    Episode 290: Member Spotlight - How a Strong Commitment to the Process Helped Michelle Lose 40lbs

    Episode 290: Member Spotlight - How a Strong Commitment to the Process Helped Michelle Lose 40lbs

    Episode Overview

    “Why can I write a thesis and graduate with a Master's degree, but I can’t pass on chocolate?”

    Meet Michelle Onaka, a thriving financial coach from Oregon, who couldn’t understand how she could accomplish so much, yet still feel powerless against chocolate. Many women are asking themselves the same question every day.

    In this episode, Michelle shares her journey of overcoming overeating, learning the 'why' behind her nutrition habits, and developing the ability to listen to her body's needs. She goes into detail about her process and emphasizes the benefits of working through her resistance to change with a Balance365 coach. She’s lost 40lbs, too!

    If you’re ready to break through your barriers to change like Michelle did, you’re in luck. Balance365 opens just three times per year and right now is one of those times. Join now before enrollment ends on Friday!

    Key Points

    • What life was like for Michelle before Balance365
    • Why Michelle went from the self-led course to coaching
    • How coaching has drastically changed her habits and her mindset

    Related Content


    Download a copy of this episode’s transcript here.

    Episode 288: 4 Shifts You NEED to Make for a Sustainable Weight Loss Journey

    Episode 288: 4 Shifts You NEED to Make for a Sustainable Weight Loss Journey

    Episode Overview

    Today, in this solo episode, Annie reflects on why she believes she’s been successful with long-term weight loss while so many others have not. This episode isn't just about weight loss; it's about a journey of personal growth that includes mindset shifts, emotional well-being, and daily habits. As someone who has experienced both struggles and triumphs in behavior change, Annie shares her four most powerful strategies, giving you the keys to unlock real and lasting change.

    By the end of this episode, you'll be equipped with practical tools to embark on your own transformational path. Let's dive in together to start embracing positive changes in every aspect of your life.

    Key Points

    • How Annie learned to stop lying to herself
    • More information vs. more action
    • Acknowledging personal responsibility and consequences
    • Why letting time pass is so important

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    Download a copy of this episode’s transcript here.

    Starting small with sport

    Starting small with sport

    If you think that all about sport is showing off great moves and do the big things, think again. You may have to slow down and be much slower than what you initially thought.

    Showing off boosts your confidence and even makes you more motivated, but if you don't come back tomorrow, it's all a fake.

    Join EJR in this episode to understand what may be blocking you and what you can do to build consistency for the long term.


    E19 Protein Quality Scores

    E19 Protein Quality Scores

    Hannah (Acc Sports Dietitian) explains what protein quality means and how it is measured. 


    WEBSITE: https://allbodiesservices.com.au/

    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/all_bodies_nutrition/ 


    In this episode we discuss: 

    00:45.1 - Why it is important to get protein right

    03:39.1 - Protein 101

    05:06.8 - How protein quality is scored and measured

    10:32.1- The relationship between protein quality and muscle protein synthesis

    • 10:56.8 - Amount and distribution of protein
    • 12.27.7 - Bioavailability
    • 13:56.2 - Protein to calorie ratio

    17:21.8 - Muscle building priorities

    Hyrox World Championship Manchester - Reise Trouble, Race Review und Emotionen

    Hyrox World Championship Manchester - Reise Trouble, Race Review und Emotionen
    Nach etwas mehr als zwei Wochen, der wohlverdienten Erholung, gutem Essen und entspannten ersten Trainingseinheiten melden sich Simone und Jan mit dem Rückblick auf die Hyrox-Weltmeisterschaften in Manchester zurück. Dich erwartet ein spannender Einblick in den Wettkampf und den aufregenden Weg an die Startlinie. Viel Spaß beim Anhören!

    Episode 273: The Neuroscience of You: Understanding Your Brain with Dr. Chantel Prat

    Episode 273: The Neuroscience of You: Understanding Your Brain with Dr. Chantel Prat

    Episode Overview

    Today we are joined by Dr. Chantel Prat, a cognitive neuroscientist and author of The Neuroscience of You. During our interview we discussed the science behind the all-too-common experience of knowing what to do but struggling to do it and why sleep and stress heavily impact your ability to follow through on your commitments. In this episode you’ll learn how to work WITH your brain instead of fighting against it!

    At Balance365, our mission is to help women live a life of balance in their minds and bodies every day. If you’re ready to build nutrition and wellness habits that last and break free from self-sabotaging cycles, get on our coaching waitlist right here.

    Key Points

    • Learn about Dr. Chantel Prat and her work as a cognitive neuroscientist
    • The horse and rider analogy
    • How your environment can impact your behaviors
    • How to rewire your brain to learn new habits and make them stick


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    Download a copy of this episode’s transcript here.

    Episode 270: The Most Undervalued Aspect of Fat Loss

    Episode 270: The Most Undervalued Aspect of Fat Loss

    Episode Overview

    When it comes to fat loss, there are many reasons women find themselves stuck. Fear of failure, overwhelmed by information, and self-sabotage are just a few.

    All of these issues can be solved with the ONE THING we’re talking about in our podcast today. Join us for this simple, short episode to find out exactly what it is and if it’s the missing piece to your own fat loss puzzle.

    But before you go, we have an announcement! Our long-time listeners will be ecstatic because after a four-year hiatus, our Power Bowl Challenge IS BACK! Join us for a chance to discover mouth-watering recipes, connect with the community, and learn how to create delicious balanced bowls that will keep you full and fueled for hours! Don't hesitate – register now to secure your spot!

    Key Points

    • Where women get stuck most often
    • The one key thing they’re missing in their fat loss journey

    Related Content


    Download a copy of this episode’s transcript here.

    How to live to enjoy your retirement nest egg with Thomas Hine

    How to live to enjoy your retirement nest egg with Thomas Hine

    Most of us work and save our whole lives to have a comfortable retirement. In his book, The Balanced Wealth Approach, Thomas Hine teaches us how to have the health and fitness to truly enjoy that retirement. On episode 587 of the 40+ Fitness Podcast, we discuss how to put your health plan together.

    You can find the full show notes for this episode at 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/587.

    Kaffee und Kometen

    Kaffee und Kometen
    Kometentestansatz, Zellkerne und Star-Wars. Darüber reden wir heute mit unserem Lieblingskaffeewissenschaftler: Dr. By. Hört sich nerdig an? Ist es auch! Aber mindestens genauso spannend. Denn aus unserer letzten Folge gabs noch offene Fragen und auf die Kometen wollten wir ja auch noch zu sprechen kommen. Keine Sorge: Wir haben auch wieder gute (verständliche) Nachrichten dabei: Wir haben unsere Lieblingsmedizin gefunden! Denn wir lernen heute: Um unsere Zellen fit zu halten brauchen wir uns nicht ins Gym schleppen. Es hilft- wer hätte das gedacht? Kaffeetrinken! Glaubt ihr nicht? Dann spitzt die Ohren in unser neuen Podcast-Folge.

    Dr. Elissa Epel: Control Stress for Healthy Eating, Metabolism & Aging

    Dr. Elissa Epel: Control Stress for Healthy Eating, Metabolism & Aging
    In this episode, my guest is Elissa Epel, Ph.D., professor and vice chair of the department of psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) and the author of a new book entitled "The Stress Prescription." We discuss her work showing how stress impacts mood, eating behavior, mental health, physical health, and aging. She explains stress intervention tools using “top-down” techniques (e.g., radical acceptance, mindfulness, reframing), body-based methods (e.g., breathwork) including the Wim Hof Method, exercise, meditation, body scans, and environmental shifts proven to help people cease unhealthy rumination patterns. We discuss how stress can positively impact psychology and sense of purpose, how stress affects cellular aging, how our narratives of stressful events impact our mood and biology, and how to effectively reframe stress. She explains science-based techniques to break stress-induced cycles of craving and overeating and thereby improve insulin sensitivity and metabolic health. Dr. Epel provides a wide range of tools shown to be effective in reducing stress and improving various aspects of our health. For the full show notes, visit hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1 (Athletic Greens): https://athleticgreens.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Waking Up: https://www.wakingup.com/huberman Momentous: https://www.livemomentous.com/huberman Timestamps (00:00:00) Dr. Elissa Epel (00:02:33) Sponsors: LMNT & Waking Up (00:06:18) Stress; Effects on Body & Mind (00:12:50) Tools: Overthinking & Stress (00:15:37) Acute, Moderate & Chronic Stress, Breathing (00:21:23) Stress Benefits, Aging & Cognition; Stress Challenge Response (00:27:23) Sponsor: AG1 (Athletic Greens) (00:32:19) Tool: Shifting Stress to Challenge Response, “Stress Shields” (00:37:400 Stress, Overeating, Craving & Opioid System (00:48:55) Tools: Breaking Overeating Cycles, Mindfulness (00:54:44) Soda & Sugary Drinks (01:00:51) Smoking, Processed Food & Rebellion (01:06:47) Tools: Mindfulness, Pregnancy & Metabolic Health (01:14:11) Body Scan & Cravings (01:17:28) Tool: Meditation & Aging; Meditation Retreats (01:23:35) Meditation, Psychedelics & Neuroplasticity (01:26:02) Mitochondrial Health, Stress & Mood (01:29:49) Chronic Stress & Radical Acceptance, “Brick Wall” (01:37:57) Tool: Control, Uncertainty (01:45:25) Stress Management, “Skillful Surfing” (01:50:25) Narrative, Purpose & Stress (01:52:49) Breathwork, Wim Hof Method, Positivity & Cellular Aging (02:03:11) Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac Disclaimer

    Episode 264: 5 Common Beginner Mistakes

    Episode 264: 5 Common Beginner Mistakes

    Episode Overview

    Following the theme from last week’s beginner mindset episode, we’re sharing five beginner mistakes today! We often see our new Balance365 members making these mistakes, but you may find yourself making these mistakes with whatever journey or process you’re working on. Honestly, mistakes are all just part of the process. By sharing these common mistakes with you, we hope you will be able to…

    1) Learn how to avoid them yourself.
    2) Prepare yourself to join Balance365 in May! 😉

    Yes, that’s right: Balance365 is opening for enrollment in MAY! Get on our waitlist and secure your spot to join before we open to the public right here!

    Key Points

    • Getting to the heart of your issues.
    • Are you over-committing?
    • Why relying on motivation doesn’t work.
    • Why you’re quitting.
    • How to know when you need help.

    Related Content


    Download a copy of this episode’s transcript here.

    My Personal Longevity Routine

    My Personal Longevity Routine

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health and InsideTracker.

    We know exactly how to hack our biology in order to live our last years full of energy, vibrancy, independence, and life. Many wonder how I have managed to stay strong, healthy, and youthful at 63 when many of my peers are winding down. So, in today’s episode of my series I’m calling Health Bites, I am talking all about my personal longevity program. 

    What I’ve discovered has blown my mind and changed the way I approach my own health and the health of my patients. I’ve compiled it all into a new book called Young Forever, which is out now. Learn more and order the book at youngforeverbook.com.

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health and InsideTracker.

    Rupa Health is a place where Functional Medicine practitioners can access more than 2,000 specialty lab tests from over 35 labs like DUTCH, Vibrant America, Genova, and Great Plains. You can check out a free, live demo with a Q&A or create an account at RupaHealth.com.

    InsideTracker is a personalized health and wellness platform like no other. Right now they’re offering my community 20% off at insidetracker.com/drhyman.

    Here are more details from our interview (audio version / Apple Subscriber version):

    • Recap of my nine-week Health Bites series on longevity (4:12 / 1:28) 
    • Choose the best longevity practices for yourself (7:07 / 4:27) 
    • What does Dr. Hyman eat? (7:45 / 4:58) 
    • My personal exercise routine (8:33 /  5:46) 
    • How I manage my sleep and stress (9:23 / 6:35) 
    • How I incorporate good stress: hormesis (10:45 / 7:58) 
    • My personal supplement protocol (12:41 / 9:54) 
    • Advanced innovations and therapies I’ve tried and use (14:08 / 11:20) 
    • Lifestyle practices that support my longevity (15:03 / 12:18) 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.